Friday, January 30, 2009

Album # 5 Heroine - From First To Last

So I've made it through my first 5 albums of 2009! I must say, this is quite a challenge, since I'm so used to always skipping around my 160GB iPod that I very rarely let an entire album play. One thing this little project is doing for me is allowing me to see what I might like to clean up off the iPod. For example, the 11 songs on this album from hardcore screamo/emo band From First To Last would probably be cut down to about 2 songs. I am a huge fan of their debut cd with vocalist Sonny Moore who has a pretty good set of lungs to scream all his teenage angst out with. Yet on this album I was only able to find about two songs that I may ever listen to again. The album starts off with a pretty good screaming screecher called "Mothersound." I hate to say it just heads south from there. Normally this is the kind of album I may give an unlistenable rating to, however since I enjoyed two songs out of the eleven, I'll give it a two missed outs. Don't worry, no need to go out and buy this album. Also Sonny Moore, which was about the only redeeming quality of this band is no longer in the band. Their latest release doesn't include him, but has a new lead singer. Though at some point this year I may listen to their debut album "Dear Diary My Teenage Angst Has A Bodycount," I'm pretty much done with these guys.

SIDE NOTE: I found this very interesting. I just read a review on Amazon about the album and to save you time here it is:

FROM AMAZON.COM: When I first heard From First To Last's sophomore album "Heroine", I can admit I was totally turned off. After one listen I shelved the cd away never to see the light of day again. Now this could be my own fault because in my mind I hyped the cd up way too much. I mean with Ross Robinson producing what was promised to be FFTL's "darkest and most impressive effort yet", I had to have high expectations. However if I would have reviewed this album the day I got it, I probably would have given it a 1 star horrid review, and thankfully from my experience I learned not to. Actually to my surprise "Heroine" really began to attach itself to me, and I can't explain why. While it has little in common with the previous screamo/posthardcore persona that the band used to maintain, the album is indeed a progressive stepping stone in the group's evolution. After giving it a second chance and that much needed time to work its ways on me, I actually discovered I liked the album quite a bit, if not just for its oddity. With all complaints and skepticism aside, "Heroine" is probably one of the strangest, yet addicting listens you're likely to have this year.

***With that said, maybe I should start listening to albums two or three times before I review them. Eh, maybe not, who cares! But you can buy it at below for .16 cents so give it a shot!

Recommended downloads: "Mothersound," "Waltz Moore."

What I was doing while listening to: Driving to and from work.

Missed Out Rating: 2 Missed Outs out of 5

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