Monday, February 9, 2009

Album # 10 Rubber Soul - The Beatles

So it's happened again! Though I figure every Beatles album I listen to will probably warrant a 5 Missed Out rating, this happens to be maybe my favorite Beatles album of all time. Well maybe second favorite, I think the "White Album" may be number one. I will first say that this album contains my favorite song of all time. It's a hard thing to do for someone who loves music as much as I do. However when it comes to the song "In My Life," it's an easy decision. Through all my years of loving, studying and living music, The Beatles "In My Life" is far and away my favorite song of all time. Every song on this album is a gem, and if you don't already own it, I'd ask why? Do yourself a favor and buy it! The album opens with a Paul Mccartney rocker "Drive My Car" and doesn't let up until the album ends with "Run For Your Life" which is John Lennon's jealousy at it's worst. Lyrics from the song:

"Well I'd rather see you dead, little girl, than to be with another man
You better keep your head, little girl, or I won't know where I am,

you better run for your life if you can, little girl
Hide your head in the sand little girl, catch you with another man,

that's the end'a little girl"

Now as creepy as that may seem to some, I think it's absolutely beautiful! The album also contains "Norwegian Wood (This Bird has flown)" which tells the story of an affair John Lennon had while married to his first wife Cynthia. I mention this because it's probably the second best song on the album and deserves to be heard by anyone that enjoys story telling music. Well don't hesitate any longer, go out and buy it. Unfortunately The Beatles still are not on iTunes and may never be according to Sir Paul Mccartney. So guess what, you'll have to get it the old fashioned way, buying it online in CD or LP version, or actually visiting a record store!

What I was doing while listening: Driving to and from work.

Missed Out Rating: 5 out of 5 Missed Outs

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